This is Surrey WeddingShow247’s monthly round-up. Take a look at some of the industry insights that were shared on our platform. We have hand-picked some of the highlights. For a full look at what is going on explore the blog and seminar room.
1. Written by BusyBrides – 10 wedding cake alternatives for 2023
So first let’s understand why we have a wedding cake as this seems to have been part of the ceremony since the ancient Greeks. As part of the wedding nuptials the groom would break bread or a scone style cake over his bride’s head that symbolised her submission, the end of her purity and to represent good luck and fertility. Obviously, this has moved on over the years and that has turned into the most incredible wedding cakes.
2. Written by VirtualExpo247 – Taking advantage of the ‘virtual world’
The toughest part of running a business is usually getting it off the ground. This can be difficult for all businesses, including those involved.
For those starting out in the world of business, as well as those more established, have you ever considered taking part in a virtual exhibition? And the same applies to businesses wishing to expand their brand. An online exhibition will do wonders for your profile, so it’s time to get involved today.
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