This is Surrey WeddingShow247’s monthly round-up. Take a look at some of the industry insights that were shared on our platform. We have hand-picked some of the highlights. For a full look at what is going on explore the blog and seminar room.

1. Written by VirtualExpo247 – THREADS – The Rise of New Social Media Platforms: What Does It Mean for Business Owners?


In today’s dynamic digital landscape, staying informed about the latest developments is vital for business owners. Recently, the creators of Instagram introduced their newest venture, ‘Threads,’ a social media platform that seamlessly integrates with your Instagram account. Working similarly to Twitter, users can share snippets of text, images and short videos. Users can reply and share thoughts on their posts.

2. Written by BusyBrides – When should I plan my wedding after I’m engaged?



The average couple is engaged for 12-14 months which is an entirely workable timeline if you have time to dedicate to wedding planning, but do give yourself at least a few weeks before delving straight in and to give yourself a little time just to look around online and see what kind of wedding that you both may like to start to build up some excitement and always better to go out shopping for what you want, then end up with bits and pieces that may not work together!

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