On your wedding day you might feel anxious or nervous about walking down the aisle in front of what is essentially an audience, and that’s fine and perfectly normal! We’re all different and not everyone enjoys being the centre of attention. Embrace the adrenaline and follow these tips from our world class musicians who are seasoned performers and you will own the room:

  • Don’t TRY to relax – why would you be relaxed? It’s one of the most exciting moments of your life – reframe the butterflies as excited energy.
  • DO breathe deep into your belly and don’t hold your breath.
  • Start your day with a 10 minute meditation. There are some brilliant ones available online and on apps like Headspace and Balance.
  • Go easy on the coffee and tea, caffeine can make you jittery.
  • Visualise beforehand – this is invaluable. Your brain can’t tell whether it’s imagined or real so visualise yourself walking down the aisle feeling happy and confident. Feel all the love and goodwill emanating from the people around you. When it’s the real thing, your brain will go straight to this familiar scene.
  • Eat a banana – they are natural beta blockers with slow release energy and every performer I know does this before going on stage!
  • Accept imperfections – as Rag ‘n’ Bone man says, you’re only human after all!


This post was written by Buzz Music Group. They are an exhibitor on the WeddingShow247 Bands floor of the Music Hall. You can visit their WeddingShow247 exhibition stand here